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Which type of web hosting would better suit your needs?

It is difficult to choose a web hosting Sydney if you haven’t determined your needs. For example, if the cost is your biggest concern and you need only basic services then shared hosting is the best choice.

The advantage of shared hosting is that it comes with a cheap price tag. It is good for sites that have limited hosting needs. But the websites that expect growth and development in a short time should explore more options as virtual private servers or cloud shared hosting.

Web Hosting
Web Hosting

Types of hosting services:-

Shared Hosting:

It is the first option you will get. Its advantage is its affordability, but it is no longer useful because there are more useful options available. For example, take cloud shared hosting. It is much better than a shared server.

Cloud Server:

As the name suggests, it is a cloud-based server. Its highlight is flexibility. Your site would get service from multiple physical servers. Also, you can easily scale up your resources according to your needs. And you will pay for what you use.

Virtual Private Server:

It is like a shared server, but with improved service. Here you would have a fixed set of resources and no one would have a share in your resources. In this way, it becomes better than the shared server.

Dedicated Server:

It is the best you can get for your website. Here you get total control over resources. But an Australian web hosting company would charge a high fee for dedicated service. If your site is growing and you expect huge traffic then you should look no further than a dedicated server.

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